As Seen On TV-She's Mine Magic Bra

As Seen On TV - Moliting 魔力挺广告

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

She's Mine Magic Bra 纤诗婷

Discover the Miracle God's Hand now!

Increase up to 3 Sizes of Your Breast!

Now, with the amazing She’s Mine bra, you can turn that dream into reality!You can re-size your breast at only push the button and lift your breast increasing in a completely different level!

She's Mine Magic Bra (纤诗婷自动调杯内衣)

Price:RM79/pc RM149 For 2 Pcs

(If mix with Moliting Generation 1 , will be RM139 for 2 pcs)

Free She's Mine Firm Shaping Panty

现 在购买将赠送隐型纤体裤一条!

Size:70B、70C75B、 75C、80B、80C

(70/b/C is out of stock)

Col: Black

Each cup of the She's Mine bra features a contoured pad (the aforementioned God's Hand) at the base that inflates with the touch of a fingertip. With just a touch will boosts your bust size.

The bra’s magic lies in its patented “God’s Hand” technology. Simply press the button, and the hidden, hand-shaped panels expand, lifting your breasts to provide cleavage like you’ve never had before. And the longer you press, the bigger they get!

Special Features of the bra:

*Broadened straps which help you to hold up under the arms.

*The bra U designs can show Sexy Chest

*Height design can effectively centralize the breasts to show Sexy Chest

*Broaden elastic tapes on the bottom of the bra fix the fattiness and prevent it flow back to the abdomen

纤诗婷自动调杯内衣,双肩带胸罩,自动调整罩杯大小,更适合展现美体,自动充气,专利产品,太空纤维手,一 按就大,罩杯大小自己调哦!想要多大就有多大!




采用优质不等高的钢圈,柔韧度好,不易变形,比普 通文胸加高2-3cm避开胸腺及淋巴腺,让淋巴排毒更通畅,预防胸部疾病的产生。

加宽至1.6-1.8cm, 弹性及回弹性好,可更有效分散肩部受力。

又称侧压带。呈月芽形,引导脂肪的生长方向,集 中胸部,防止外扩。


a.再次锁定胸部脂肪,避免脂肪流失到腋 下及后背

a.加宽设计,可更好的抚平背部脂肪,避免‘四菜 一汤’的形成

Before & After:

Attention!Please Read Before Placing Order

*For She's Mine Bra, it will create deep cleavage and good in centralize the breast, but will not create a "big" effect for small cup figure, if you would like to have obvious push up and "big" effect, My Closet will recommend to take Moliting which come with thick gel pad.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

MoLiTing Magic Push Up Bra -Generation 1

Price:RM69/pc RM129 For 2 Pcs
(If mix with Moliting generation 2 or She's Mine , will be RM139 for 2 pcs)

Special Promotion:Free Panty+ Washing Machine Pocket

(80A available now)
* Customer may order one size bigger as cutting for Gen 1 is slightly smaller.
Col: Black

MoLiTing Magic Push Up Bra -Generation 2 夏娃之秀魔力挺二代(拉沟系列)

Price:RM79/pc RM149
for 2 pcs

Special Promotion: Free Panty+ Washing Machine Pocket+Bra Strap+ Invisible Bra Clip


(only 75B, 80A/B available now)

一、一穿双乳立挺 罩杯升级
二、一拉完现乳沟 更加性感
三、持续波动按摩 越穿越挺
四、616个呼吸孔 换气透气
五、立体裁剪 附乳完全包裹

六、进口面料 机洗不变型


魔 力挺是内衣界独一无二具有动感按摩效果的胸罩,国际首创的高科技KE魔力胶,能够让胸部从下到上波动起来,平时你走路时、运动时、逛街时,只要你在 动,KE魔力胶就会跟着动,让热能持续转换成动能,通畅乳房经络,促进胸部血液微循环,持续为你按摩美胸,让你越穿越挺!穿戴魔力挺一整天,就相当于按摩 一整天。



魔 力挺采用国际立体胸线裁剪设计,罩杯与胸部完美贴合,特有隐形收脂边肩带,可将腋下附乳、赘肉完全包裹、推移集中。即便是天生瘦小,或者已经松弛、外扩的 胸部,只要穿上魔力挺,它会让你胸线马上提高、双乳立即聚拢,完美锁定你的胸形。魔力挺适合于任何年纪、任何胸型的女人,受到所有女人的喜爱,特别是产后 妈妈,因为它能让产后的胸部天天都在做按摩,不知不觉中,你就会发现惊人的变化!拥有魔力挺,产后妈妈完全不用担心生完宝宝后松弛、下垂的出现。

夏季很多女孩喜欢穿无带文胸,但无带文胸通常会压迫胸部,而且容易下滑掉落!新款魔力挺所以还特别配送魔力扣,只要在背后轻轻一扣,就能将肩带完全隐形起来,将魔力挺瞬间变为无带文胸,无论穿背心、穿礼服、穿无袖衫、再也没有肩带外露的麻烦,随心所欲想怎么穿就怎么穿! 购买魔力挺有什么优惠?






15秒,一托一拉一口,魔力挺文胸上的魔力扣矫形设计,让你一穿就挺,增大1个罩杯。 魔力扣起到矫形内衣的作用,具有提高胸线,聚拢脂肪,包裹附乳,防止脂肪流失等作用,一穿就大一个罩杯,乳沟也出来了。 15秒,一个转身,立即增大1个罩杯!胸线提升5~8厘米,你的乳房变得很坚挺,帮你抹平附乳,并阻止产后乳房的缩水、下垂。

魔力挺二代拉沟系列越穿越挺 1分钟=手动按摩20次. KE魔力胶拥有超强敏感弹性,能通过自动按摩帮你坚挺胸部,不再下垂松弛,抹平附乳。放大50倍,哇,肉眼就能看见KE魔力胶按摩过程。通过下厚上薄的托胸设计,与胸部完美贴合,穿上它,就能随走动开始按摩胸部,你的乳房边呼吸边波动,促进乳房代谢,疏通经络。 1分钟,就相当于手动按摩20次,穿着1小时相当于按摩1小时,穿着1整天就相当于美胸1整天,不用危险的手术药物,胸部却越穿越挺,越来越美!穿魔力挺文胸,就能时刻保持你的乳房水嫩、坚挺。

KE魔力胶” 罩杯是精选橡胶树乳汁提炼而成,是天然乳胶成分,绝对不吸水、易干、节省时间、也不变形,能天然防霉抗菌 不管你是先天扁平,产后缩水,松弛下垂,15秒,变大变挺变美,魔力挺让你一穿就挺,越穿越挺,仅仅换一件胸罩,就有好身材!

What so special about Moliting:
1)Medical Silicone honeycomb pad inside the bra
2)Free from frowziness, swelter and dirt
3)keep you breast in fresh and breathing free
3)Phisical engineering design, Push-up function keeping your breast free from sagging
4) Anion creating instantly from inside parts keeps the breast surroundings always fresh.
5)Crush proof and quick dry after wash
6)Adjustable bottom enclosure

KE magic gel is made by the natural rubber. The emerging of the Magic bra has undergone a bra revolution from the application of the traditional sponge to the birth of the KE magic gel, which can give the constant massage to the breast even when you are walking in order to get the result of the beautiful, sexy, plump breasts. By enlarging the magic gel for 50 times, you will see the whole process of the massage, which has been combining with the breast-lifting design make the perfect connection to the breast, and keep the massage on when you are walking. The waving and breathing of your breasts will help itself with the metabolism and promote the blood circulation in this area.


Wearing it for 1 minutes is correspond to massage for 20 times, 1 hour with in on is about massage for 1 hour, keeping it on the whole day means shaping the breast all day long. This is the surgery without any danger, which can make your breasts more and more erect and beautiful.
With this magic bra on, you can keep your breasts delicate and erect at any time

Just 15 second, a turning back, you can increase by a big cup! The breast line will increase by 5-8 cm, and your breast will become firm and erect. Besides, it helps you to erase the accessory breast, prevent the postpartum breast shrinkage and drooping.

Suitable users: Those who have flat, drooping or outward breasts

Why are the cups so important to the bra?
The cup is the heart of the whole bra, of which the quality can not only influence the grade of the bra, but also the health of women. The common bra cups have been made by the materials of sponge, which is the chemical extracted from the crude oil and with the main ingredients as TDI, Ether polymeric, Amine. After wearing it for long can cause great harm to the health of the body.

Can the bra with good air permeability as long as it has the holes?
Now most of the bras with air permeability have the straight holes on the cups, which can only give the venting to some part of the skin. But this bra has been made of the natural rubber, with the theory of bionics beehive and the scientific design of 600 venting holes arranged orderly. The whole tube with the proper length and the softness and tenderness of the rubber will make the effective and automatic venting and oxygen supply.

What is the benefit of massaging the breasts?
The health care functions of massage can effectively promote the blood circulation. This magic bra has chosen the natural material with softness, which will not produce any pressure to the breast, and make the uninterrupted touching massage available for the female in our daily life.

Why dose this bra provide the anti-bacterium protection?
The normal bras have usually made by the material of sponge. When washing, the left sweat, waste and the detergent can easily gather on the sponge cups and produce bacterium. The cups of the magic bra are made by the natural rubber material with the smooth surface, which can not absorb water, sweat or produce bacterium, and reach the naturally anti-bacterium effect.

FREE Bra Clip!
The bra-converting clip that ensures you’ll have the best-behaved bra straps around. Clear, virtually invisible, won’t show through fabrics and hook ups are so thin and comfortable you won’t even know you’re wearing them.

Method of washing and storage:
1. It can be washed with by hands and by washing machine, pour out the unnecessary water inside the cups. (It will never become out of shape even being washed for thousands of times)
2. Don't bleach it, ironing and pressing should also be avoided.
3. Dry it in the cool and shady place, keep it away from the isolation.
4. When drying, hang it upside down with the clothespin clipping in the middle of the bra.
5. When it's dry, put it in the original plastic packing box.

* Please note the Gen 2 bra will not come with the can package, if customer would like to have can packaging, RM10 extra fee will be charged and will required to wait for few weeks due to the additional shipping cost on the heavy weight.

Magic Bra Copyright 2008 Fashionholic Designed by Ipiet Templates Supported by Tadpole's Notez